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25. Tournament Registration (TO CHECK)

The following rules apply:

• Player registration is open until the tournament's listed registration end time.
• There is a fixed buy-in amount for each tournament, except in Freeroll Tournaments, which do not require a buy-in.
• Once the deregistration end time for a tournament has passed, or the tournament has started, Players may not deregister. The buy-in amount and entrance fee are non-refundable.
• There is an entrance fee for each tournament, except in Freeroll Tournaments.
• Each tournament has a minimum player registration requirement. If registration does not meet the minimum requirements, the tournament is cancelled. If the tournament is cancelled, Players will be refunded their buy-in amount and entrance fee.
• If you register for a tournament and are not logged on to the Multi-Player Poker system at the time the tournament starts, you’ll be automatically seated at a table. You are then blinded-off until there are no chips left, or until you log in to play.