1. Royal Straight Flush
The best possible straight flush. Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, all of the same suit.

2. Straight flush
Cards of five consecutive ranks, all of the same suit.

3. Four of a kind
Four cards of any one rank, and any other card.

4. Full house
Three cards of one rank, and two cards of a second rank.

5. Flush
Five cards of the same suit that doesn't make a straight.

6. Straight
Cards of five consecutive ranks when not all five are of the same suit.

7. Three of a kind
Three cards of the same rank and two unrelated cards.

8. Two pairs
Two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank, and a fifth unrelated card.

9. One pair
Two cards of the same rank and three other unrelated cards.

10. High card
Five unrelated cards – no pair, no flush, no straight. Nothing but the highest card.